Molly Wellington is an illustrator, brand designer and all-round-creative human being, based in Walyalup.
Tell us a bit about yourself:
When I’m not at the studio, I’m probably at the beach, on my bike, or doing whatever hobby I’m fixating on at the time. I’ve always got 100 ideas/things on the go, but Freo’s slow lifestyle helps keep my sanity in check!
What would your dream brief be?
SO many dream briefs. Wine Store. Pickles/Hot Sauce/Condiments. Florist. Anything female/non-binary led. But really the dream brief is just when brands trust your creative process and ideas, and let you run wild.
If you weren’t in the business of design, what would you be doing?
I just discovered this job recently actually – it’s a pasta designer/maker. You know the reaaalllly fun, colourful pasta? Someone gets to do that. And I’d be so down to do that every day.
Would you rather fight one horse-sized seagull or 100 seagull-sized horses?
Okay. This is TOUGH. The thought of one mega seagull is frightening for sure (that beak mixed with a super loud sqwark, no thanks) I’m kinda vibing the mini horses. I think they’d be hell cute. Maybe I wouldn’t need to fight them. We could just hangout?
Sunrise or sunset?
Favourite spot in Freo and why?
South Beach for ultimate dog spotting moments.

We teamed up with Molly to bring you our Spring merch drop. Inspired by the fun things that make our Freo home unique, this limited release range was developed, designed, produced and printed solely by local legends.
Why do we love working with the people in our neighbourhood? Because we love supporting people who support us 😏 and we’re blown away by the amount of talent in our own backyard.
Our Molly Wellington Merch range is available exclusively at our port side brewery, Gage Roads Freo. This single run is a one off drop and once its done its done. Get ya hands on it while you can 🤙